June 2015

Who manages the running of the Estate?


The day to day running of the Estate is carried out by the Estate Management team and the strategic planning is done in consultation with the Trustees of THOA – Thornhill Home Owners Association.

There are currently six Trustees who hold executive positions and are elected annually at the AGM. For more on the Trustees click […]

Who manages the running of the Estate?2018-06-10T11:27:37+02:00

July 2015

Who is liable for payment of the Estate levy?


Individual owners are liable for levy payments from the date on which transfer takes place. The levy year runs from the beginning of March to the end of February the following year. All levy increases are decided at the AGM which is usually held in August. Any approved increases come into effect the following March […]

Who is liable for payment of the Estate levy?2015-07-13T18:22:17+02:00

Do I need plans for alterations/additions or to build a swimming pool/wall/lapa?


Yes. All of the above fall under the same regulations as any other building operations and require plan approval from both Joburg City Council and THOA. Four formal colour sets of plans and one normal set should be submitted to the THOA for approval, prior to submission to Council.  For more information on building regulations […]

Do I need plans for alterations/additions or to build a swimming pool/wall/lapa?2018-06-10T11:27:37+02:00
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